The demo application

Quick start

Understanding the demo

The demo application is filled with data from the fictional company EduNation Public Services, a public sector organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of education by supporting both teachers and students. Their work focuses on two key areas: empowering teachers with effective resources and crafting relevant curricula for students. You may log in to the demo application and the demo api with the different employees listed below. The username is on the format firstname.lastname (lowercase) and the password is their first name. The demo application resets everyday at midnight UTC, and shifts all dates so that the demo data appears up-to-date.

Organizational Units

The organization is structruded with two top-level organization units, where TRC has two child OUs.

Curriculum Development Department (CDD)

The CDD is responsible for creating and refining curricula that meet the evolving needs of students, ensuring they are equipped for future success.

Teacher Resource Center (TRC)

The TRC focuses on supporting educators by designing tools, resources, and training programs to enhance their teaching capabilities. TRC has two sub-units.

Objectives and Key Results

EduNation Public Services uses OKR to define their goals and prioritize their activities.

Objective 1: Improve the effectiveness of teacher resources (CDT, TRC, TTT)

Objective 2: Enhance curriculum relevance for students (CDD)

Organizational activities

So far, EduNation Public Services have defined 4 activities, but this is of course work in progress.


These are their employees. All have their own user account with privileges according to their position.

Curriculum Development Department (CDD)

Teacher Resource Center (TRC)

Content Design Team (CDT)

Teacher Training Team (TTT)

Feel free to log in to the demo application and try out Skillia.